Bruno no fundo de uma tela de celular com o título escrito: Olá, Sou Bruno.

Hey there,
I'm Bruno!

Full Stack Developer 😎
TypeScript Enjoyer 🧐
Lifetime Student 👨‍🎓
Shopify Specialist 🛍️
Linux User 🤓
International EXP 🇨🇦🇺🇦
Great Communicator 🤐
Ex English Teacher 📚
Ex Graphic Designer 🎨

About me...

Greetings! My name is Bruno Corrêa and coding is my passion.

I'm a passionate software engineer - Front End specialist, Back End explorer since 2020.

Which amounts to: 1,720 days, 41,301 hours, or 2,478,092 minutes.

I'm extremely curious and eager to build new things. I love to work in the web environment through JavaScript, from interfaces to APIs, I also really enjoy Mobile development through React Native

Highlighted Projects


Sofía Vergara's skin care e-commerce

On this high-stakes project for a high-profile client, speed and accuracy were key. I was the lead developer and I had several bugs to fix and at the same time and needed speed, many complex features to be implemented. As a beauty/cosmetics store, this client needed to have a shade finder, which they already used a tool for, however, they wanted some added customizations to that aspect, such as global shade setting. Another level in which we stepped up was the site's overall look and feel, we made the store much more dynamic and I worked closely with a senior Figma specialist to deliver those pixel-perfect changes.

Disruptive UI
On this high-stakes project for a high-profile client, speed and accuracy were key. I was the lead developer and I had several bugs to fix and at the same time and needed speed, many complex features to be implemented. 

 As a beauty/cosmetics store, this client needed to have a shade finder, which they already used a tool for, however, they wanted some added customizations to that aspect, such as global shade setting. 

 Another level in which we stepped up was the site's overall look and feel, we made the store much more dynamic and I worked closely with a senior Figma specialist to deliver those pixel-perfect changes.


Natural pet food e-commerce platform

On a tight deadline, I designed and delivered a highly customized e-commerce platform that sets a new standard in the Brazilian market. This project features a cutting-edge pet food quiz powered by an advanced algorithm to personalize diet recommendations, a smart portion calculator that updates carts in real-time, and sophisticated product page customizations including quantity and shipping restrictions. Additionally, I integrated the platform with the client's Bling ERP system, automating operations and enhancing efficiency. This project showcases innovative features and a user-focused design, elevating the e-commerce experience.

Feature rich
On a tight deadline, I designed and delivered a highly customized e-commerce platform that sets a new standard in the Brazilian market. This project features a cutting-edge pet food quiz powered by an advanced algorithm to personalize diet recommendations, a smart portion calculator that updates carts in real-time, and sophisticated product page customizations including quantity and shipping restrictions. 

 Additionally, I integrated the platform with the client's Bling ERP system, automating operations and enhancing efficiency. This project showcases innovative features and a user-focused design, elevating the e-commerce experience.

Next Travel

A travelling e-commerce simple app

On this mockup side project, I decided to test Next 13 when it came out but with Styled components as opposed to standard Tailwind CSS. I used an external API for ticket data fetching and also another one for Currency API. It's possible to search by name/destination; add/remove tickets from cart and paginate tickets to increase performance, that's why I fetch per page; view cart in a modal with the calculated prices; view ticket page.

Next 13
On this mockup side project, I decided to test Next 13 when it came out but with Styled components as opposed to standard Tailwind CSS. I used an external API for ticket data fetching and also another one for Currency API. 

 It's possible to search by name/destination; add/remove tickets from cart and paginate tickets to increase performance, that's why I fetch per page; view cart in a modal with the calculated prices; view ticket page.


Woley logo


FullStack Developer
March 2024 - Currently

I implemented many solutions for existing problems, from elevating the visual look of the store to other execution of operational aspects, such as: Server side tracking; external checkout; custom API-integrated shipping delivery through proxy. As well as a “virtual fitting room” and “mix and match” features to help users shop for their pets. I’m currently working on improving and refactoring those existing solutions to further improve our efforts.


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